Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Me ho yo!

Well, it's been pretty much business as usual since my last post. I had a great time in Kumasi. Last Wednesday I went to Lake Bosumtwe, a huge meteor lake. The locals believe that god lives there and that the souls of the dead pass through there on their way to heaven. It was overcast and very foggy when I was there, and it was almost believable.

I am now back in Accra. Saturday I bought an African dress so I could look the part when I crashed my first African wedding. It was such a cool experience-- very lively with lots of music and dancing. Everyone was so hospitable; my cohorts and I stuck out like sore thumbs, being the only obrunis there. We danced around, drank blue champagne, and took photos with the bride and groom. It was so much fun.

I was supposed to be in Tema this week, but I only spent one night there before coming back to Accra. I had been sick, and being in the sticks with no shower and a toilet that didn't flush wasn't working for me. Today I went to the cultural center, which was an awful experience. All the vendors were blatantly trying to rip us off, charging four times what we've paid for similar items elsewhere. Plus, people would come up to "shake your hand" and if you gave it to them, they would grab you and pull you into their stall. It was crazy. I spent so much time playing defense that I did very little shopping. I think I'll stick to the art market in the future. Way nicer! On the upside though, I have finally learned how to haggle.

I just said my goodbyes to Alex and my new Canadian friends Emilie and Erin. Dave left for Philly this morning. Now I am all that remains of our cohort until Becca comes back from Adansi this weekend. I am holding down the fort, hoping to stay roommate-free until she comes back, since she is the best roomie ever! I'm so excited to go home; the more everyone talked about what they were going to do when they got home, the more pissed I got that I'm still in Africa. It's been a great experience; I'm just ready for it to be over. I miss sushi, nachos, salad, and vegetables. I'm beyond missing hot showers, washing machines, and air conditioning. We've been watching movies at night on my laptop, and when someone eats something really great in the movie, we'll all say, "Oooh...Oreos!" or whatever. Alas, there are so many snacks that plantain chips and goat kebabs cannot replace!

See you all soon! 10 days and counting....

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